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At we believe that symptomatic treatments should be reserved only for short term. It is vitally important to diagnose the underlying condition with robust assessment and investigations.

Symptomatic treatments:

  • Tab. Flatuna (Simethicone and activated charcoal) – 1 tablet thrice a day.

 Common conditions to consider:


Common clinical presentation along with loss of appetite

Gastritis Abdominal pain or burning sensation associated with food
Hepatitis Fatigue, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, jaundice and deranged liver function tests
Worm infestation Generalised abdominal pain, nausea, history of worm in stools and laboratory confirmation from stool samples
Constipation History of less than 3 stools per week, hardened stools and  discomfort during defaecation
Coeliac disease Abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence, diarrhoea, evidence of malabsorption but no evidence of infective pathology
Hypothyroidism Fatigue, weight gain, intolerance to cold, dry skin
Laryngitis Painful swallowing and change in voice and evidence of laryngeal inflammation
Pharyngitis Painful swallowing, tickly cough and inflamed pharynx
Stomatitis, glossitis, aphthous ulcer Painful inner mouth mucosa, swollen tongue, pain or ulceration over the tongue, difficulty in chewing and evidence of ulceration
Oral infection Localised pain and swelling. Some patients may present with dental abscess or bad oral hygiene
Crohn’s disease Abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence, diarrhoea, evidence of malabsorption but no evidence of infective pathology
Diverticulitis Abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhoea or constipation, blood in stools but no evidence of  infective pathology
Achalasia cardia Difficulty in swallowing solids, food regurgitation and chest pain
Tuberculosis Prolonged cough, night-time fever with chills, weight loss, haemoptysis and AFB sputum
Mumps Swollen salivary glands, fever, difficulty in chewing or rarely painful testicles
Hypoparathyroidism Cramps, weakness, fatigue and reduced serum calcium and parathyroid hormone
Ascites Distended abdomen with no rigidity, evidence of fluid collection in peritoneum and underlying pathology
Drug induced Metformin, Dapsone, Febuxostat, Metronidazole
Congestive cardiac failure Breathlessness, pedal oedema and 2D echo evidence of reduced ejection fraction
Addison’s disease Hypotension, hypoglycaemic episodes, fatigue, nausea and vomiting

Note: Any generalised illness can lead to loss of appetite and hence a detailed history, examination and investigations is needed.