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Acute backache is predominantly a musculo-skeletal pain condition leading to intense pain around spine. Patients often present with muscle spasms and limited movements with or without evidence of nerve root compression.


  • Tab. Dolokind MR (Aceclofenac 100 mg, Paracetamol 325 mg, Chlorzoxazone 250 mg) 1 tablet twice a day for 5 days AND
  • Tab. Pantakind 40 (Pantoprazole 40 mg) 1 tablet a day for 7 days for gastric protection.
  • Gel Powergesic 2X (Diclofenac 2.32%, Methyl Salicylate 10%, Menthol 5% w/w) to be applied over painful area thrice a day for 7 days.
  • If patient is not diabetic or hypertensive – 7 days course of steroid – Tab. Zempred 4 (Methylprednisolone 4 mg)
    Day 1 – 2 tablets before breakfast, 1 tablet each after lunch, dinner and 2 tablets at bedtime (total dose 24 mg per day).

    Day 2 – 1 tablet before breakfast, 1 tablet each after lunch and dinner, 2 tablets at bedtime (total dose 20 mg per day).
    Day 3 – 1 tablet before breakfast, 1 tablet each after lunch, dinner and at bedtime (total dose 16 mg per day).
    Day 4 – 1 tablet before breakfast, 1 tablet each after lunch and at bedtime (total dose 12 mg per day).
    Day 5 – 1 tablet before breakfast and at bedtime (total dose 8 mg per day).
    Day 6 – 1 tablet before breakfast (total dose 4 mg per day).

General advice:

  • Bed rest on a firm surface.
  • Initially cold compression 15 minutes every 2 hours.
  • Avoid standing or sitting for long time.
  • Avoid lifting heavy objects and massage.
  • Gradual mobilisation after two days and advice gentle physiotherapy.
  • Waist belts may be useful for a short period.
  • Consider application of kinesiology tape to reduce local strain.


Consider referral to physiotherapy once acute phase is resolved. For longstanding cases consider referral to orthopaedic surgeon.