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At we believe that symptomatic treatments should be reserved only for short term. It is vitally important to diagnose the underlying condition with robust assessment and investigations.

Symptomatic treatments:

  • Tab. Roko (Loperamide 2mg) – 1 capsule after each episode of diarrhoea but maximum of 8 capsules per day.

Common conditions to consider:


Common clinical presentation along with diarrhoea

Amoebic dysentery Blood and mucus in stool with no fever and positive stool microscopy.
Bacillary dysentery Blood and mucus in stools, fever and positive stool microscopy
Viral infection Vomiting, low grade fever with no mucus in stool
Food poisoning Excessive vomiting; especially if in more than one member of the household or group
Cholera Profuse diarrhea present (rice water stools) with vomiting and positive stool microscopy
Worm infestations Cramps, lack of appetite, history of worms in stools and positive stool microscopy
Typhoid High grade fever, abdominal pains, PR bleeding, loss of appetite, weakness, red spots on abdomen and positive Widal test
Irritable bowel syndrome Chronic pain, bloating, flatulence, altered bowel habits but not evidence of infective or inflammatory pathology
Coeliac disease Diarrhoea or constipation, fatigue, weight loss, malabsorption, sensitivity to gluten containing foods along with endoscopy and laboratory evidence
Diverticulitis Bloating, flatulence, diarrhoea, evidence of malabsorption but no evidence of infective pathology
Crohn’s disease Lack of appetite, weight loss and positive laboratory evidence and colonoscopy
Hyperthyroidism Palpitations, excessive sweating, heat intolerance, fatigue, loss of weight and abnormal thyroid function test